Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Assignment #13

Exercise 1:
Unfortunately, I was a bit under the weather last week. I had to put all things on hold and rest. I do feel rejuvenated. As always, my period of rest came at a bad time. Your body definitely takes over when you don't take care of it. But there were some good things to come out of this week for me. Mainly, the high blood pressure pill (mild hypertension as the professionals call it) will remain at the same low dosage. Guess that means that I am doing something right. In addition to diet and exercise changes, I am 294lbs (11 less than my last dr's visit 30 days previous).

Exercise 2:
I was not able to meet with my buddy before it was time to post this week. I saw my buddy this week but it had everything to do with her business. She is an Editor and part owner of So we will meet later in the week. This will be good for me. I need to be accountable to someone. It is ridiculous that it took me taking this class to discover somethings about myself.
A small portion to this is also that I don't expect people to do things for me. But this not true because I went to a concert (where I saw my buddy)FOR FREE. And it was my favorite group (De La Soul) EVER!!

Exercise 3:
This will be easy. This week I have a 3-5 paper to do. Got homework that was do Monday but was extended for my illness. Past that research for a paper that is stopping me from graduation.

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